Technosens keeps developing more features to maintain social connection between families, residents, carers and facilities.
It can be hard sometimes for families to be able to maintain social connection with their loved ones living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Many questions can be raised : How to communicate easily with my relative ? How to be informed of its daily life? How to reassure myself ? To answer to all their needs, Technosens has developed an app dedicated to families.
An application that evolves with new features
Launched in 2013 under the name e-lioFamily, the app is now called Notre Espace Famille. It’s available for download on appstores , playstore and through the website This name changed as well as the creation of the web service is effective since January 11th 2021. It is the result of many years of innovation and technical development from our teams. Indeed, our developers share one commun goal : to bring families more features and a fluid, simple and intuitive user experience.
It is by taking into account family’s needs and feedback that many technical development have been made:
- HD videoconferencing system
- Services available on smartphones, tabs and computers
- Simplification of the registration and connection thanks to a unique code given by the facility
- Possibility to communicate with the facility by sending text messages from the app
- Publication in a personalized newspaper of the messages sent by the families to their relatives through the app.
Eric Le Bomin, iOS Software Engineer at technosens since 2019 testify :
« Those last few years, we really focused on developping a simple and intuitive tool for families. We work to continually improve the ergonomics of the application and its services to ease the handling for a non-technological audience. The team working on Notre Espace Famille is made of 8 developers splitting the job between mobile (Android and IOS) and web development. We are following the AGILE method which consist on dividing a development in small tasks on short periods of two weeks. Thanks to this method, we can react quickly and bring fast answer to our customers needs. Currently, we are working , among other projects, on providing visiophony for users of the Notre Espace Famile website. We also have the ambition for 2021 to integrate video sharing within the application. Families will be able to send videos to their loved ones to view on their TV or tablet.
Notre Espace Famille, moments shared with families
Notre Espace Famille, is THE family social network and THE way to create many memories with its loved ones. By interacting with one unique communication device, families can:
- Communicate with their relatives by visiophony
- Send messages and pictures
- Share the the daily life ot the facility
- Communicate with the administration teams
These exchanges are precious memories! They promote the maintenance of the social bond between generations and guarantee many moments of joy and emotion in the family.
For more information, contact us by calling 04 76 230 240 or access the contact form